

ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium at ESMO Asia 2018 inn Singapore

2015年秋~冬より、シンガポールの Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centerで、毎年開催されているESMO Asia。今年は11月23日~25日の3日間で行われました。

最終日の25日午後に、「ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium "Bringing clinical research and practice between Europe and Asia"」が行われ、欧州とアジアの研究者がディスカッションを行いました。

The ESMO Asia Congress has been held annually at the Suntec Convention & Exhibition Center in Singapore since autumn-winter 2015. This year, it was held for three days from23rd to 25th November.

On the afternoon of the 25th, the final day, "ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium: Bringing clinical research and practice between Europe and Asia" was held, and doctors Europe and Asia had a discussion.