
ASCO2021: OLIGO-BC1ケアネットに紹介記事

 OLIGO-BC1 presentation at ASCO2021 featured on CareNet


The report article of OLIGO-BC1 announced at ASCO2021 was published on the medical information platform "CareNet.com".



Crowdfunding being implemented by JCA has achieved its first goal and moved to the next goal

第80回日本癌学会学術総会が実施中のクラウドファンディングが、先日、第一目標金額の3,000,000円に達し、現在、5,000,000円のNEXT GOULに向けて、支援を募っています。

The Crowdfunding, which is being held by the 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, recently reached the first target 3,000,000 yen, and is currently seeking support for NEXT GOUL of 5,000,000 yen.


6月30日(水)23:00 締め切り クラウドファンディング:がん治療の種を育てよう|がん研究がより進んでいく未来のために

 Let's support crowdfunding conducted by the Japanese Cancer Association


Some of FACO doctors have made the presentation at the annual meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association. The crowdfunding "Gan-chiryo no tane wo sodateyo | Gan-kenkyu ga yori-susunde-iku mirai-no tameni (Let's grow seeds for cancer treatment | For the future where cancer research progresses)" by the 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (Congress President : Prof. Hideyuki Saya) is being implemented. This crowdfunding is carried out by the All-or-Nothing method (the practitioner can receive the collected support money only when the target amount is achieved), and the application for support money is accepted until 23:00 on 30th June 2021.


OLIGO-BC1: ASCO2021ポスターセッション参加

 OLIGO-BC1, participation in poster session at ASCO2021 virtual meeting (#1026)

昨年に引き続きOLIGO-BC1(希少転移乳癌の局所及び全身療法に関する国際共同後向きコホート研究)は、ASCO学術集会(会期:2021年6月4日~8日)のポスタ―セッションで発表(First author: Wang K)。

This year again, OLIGO-BC1 (International Retrospective Cohort Study of Locoregional and Systemic Therapy in Oligometastatic Breast Cancer) participates in poster session at ASCO Virtual Annual Meeting (First author: Wang K).