

 The 8th International Conference of FACO at KSMO2020,  wholly virtual meeting


Due to COVID-19 situation, the 8th FACO Meeting's format has changed to wholly virtual.


FACO Meeting consists two sessions, starting with Prof. Shigeru Imoto's OLIGO-BC1 presentation.

Q&Aをチャット式で投稿でき、文字で確認できるのはVirtual Meetingの強み。

Next, Prof. Junji Furuse who is PI of PC-CURE-1 study, on-going study of FACO, made his talk. One of strengths of virtual meeting is that we can post Q&A in a chat style and check it in the text. 

第2部では、高野利実先生が「Immunotherapy and new agents for breast cancer in Japan」のテーマでご講演されました(座長:西山正彦、FACO CEO)。

Dr. Toshimi Takano gave his lecture "Immunotherapy and new agents for breast cancer in Japan" for the second part. The Chair of the session was Prof. Masahiko Nishiyama, CEO of FACO. 


Despite the challenges of audio or network testing, and rehearsals due to virtual event, the FACO Meeting was organized by KSMO and was a huge success.