

The 3rd International Conference of FACO

2015年10月29日~31日、第53回日本癌治療学会学術集会(代表者:小西郁生会長)と併催された第3回FACO学術集会の開催地は京都。胃がんと膵がんのInternational Symposiumの他、一般演題として、FACO International Workshop(Translational Research、Clinical Trial、Surgical Techniques)が行われました。FACO設立メンバーの中国臨床腫瘍学会(CSCO)からは若手研究者約50名が来日し、日本やその他アジア等からの参加者と交流しました。

The 3rd International Conference of FACO was held in Kyoto from 29th to 31st October 2015, in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (Congress President: Prof. Ikuo Konishi). In addition to the International Symposium for Gastric Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer, FACO International Workshop (Translational Research, Clinical Trial, Surgical Techniques) was held as a general presentation. About 50 young doctors from the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO), a founding member of FACO, visited Japan and interacted with participants from Japan and other Asian countries.



Global Oncology Symposium, ASCO2015
~Genetic and Biological Characteristics of Gastric Cancer and Its Multidisciplinary Treatment~


2015年5月29日~6月2日、シカゴ開催のASCO2015学術集会(The 51st Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASCO2015) 会期中の5月29日、CONVO-GC1試験の吉田和弘PI(研究責任者)が、Global Oncology Symposiumで、胃がんの遺伝・生物学的特徴、集学的治療についての講演を行いました。

From 29th May to 2nd June 2015, ASCO 2015 Annual Meeting (The 51st Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASCO2015) was held in Chicago. On 29n May 29, Prof. Kazuhiro Yoshida, PI of CONVO-GC1 study, gave a lecture on the Genetic and Biological Characteristics of Gastric Cancer and Its Multidisciplinary Treatment at the Global Oncology Symposium.

シカゴのミレニアムパークにある、「The Bean」の愛称でおなじみのクラウドゲートはどの角度から撮影してもフォトジェニック。

The famous Cloud Gate, nicknamed "The Bean," in Chicago's Millennium Park, is photogenic from any angle.


第1回CONVO-GC1 試験ビジネス会合

The 1st CONVO-GC1 Business Meeting at Jeju Island
~International Retrospective Cohort Study of Conversion Therapy (Adjuvant surgery) for Stage IV Gastric Cancer 1~


2015年4月2日~4日に韓国・済州島にて開催の「Korean International Gastric Cancer Week 2015 (KINGCA2015)」会期中に、FACOの最初の日中韓共同研究である胃がんコホート研究に関する研究者会合が開催されました。
研究名は、「Stage IV 胃がんにおけるConversion therapy (Adjuvant surgery) の意義に関する国際他施設共同後ろ向き試験(CONVO-GC1)」(研究責任者/PI:吉田和弘)、日中韓それぞれの国から300症例を得ることを目標にするなど、具体的なディスカッションを行いました。

"Korean International Gastric Cancer Week 2015 (KINGCA2015)" was held in Jeju Island, South Korea from 2nd to 4th April 2015. During KINGCA2015, the first investigators meeting by doctors from three countries was held regarding the FACO's 1st study, the gastric cancer cohort study.
The trial name is "International Retrospective Cohort Study of Conversion Therapy (Adjuvant surgery) for Stage IV Gastric Cancer 1 (CONVO-GC1)", Prof. Kazuhiro Yoshida is Principal Investigator. The specific discussions were held, including the goal of obtaining 300 cases from each country of Japan, China and South Korea.


一般社団法人FACO 法人登記

Corporation registration of FACO Tokyo headquarter office

2012年に日中韓のオンコロジー学会が設立した任意団体であるFederation of Asian Clinical Oncology (FACO) の本部機能を果たす、一般社団法人FACOは法人登記され、2015年3月26日に正式に法人として成立しました。

Ippan-shadan-houjin FACO (general incorporated association) that functions as the headquarters of the Federation of Asian Clinical Oncology (FACO), a voluntary organization established by the Oncology Society of Japan, China and South Korea in 2012, was registered as a corporation in Japan and officially became a corporation on 26 March 2015.