

FACO's 2nd Study, "International Cohort Study of Locoregional and Systemic Therapy in Oligometastatic Breast Cancer"

毎年シカゴで開催されているASCO学術集会(The 52nd Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASCO2016)の2016年の会期は6月3日~7日。この間、6月5日に開催された第11回FACOビジネス会合において、希少転移乳癌/オリゴメタ転移 OLIGO-BC1(PI:井本滋)をFACOの第2の試験にすることを日中韓の研究者で決定しました。

The Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology is held every year in Chicago, this year, from 3rd to 7th June 2016, The 52nd AM (ASCO2016) was held. 5th June was the date of 11th FACO Business Meeting and doctors from Japan, China and South Korea decided that oligometastasis breast cancer, OLIGO-BC1 (PI: Shigeru Imoto) as a second trial of FACO. 


There was such a cute blowfish in the Shedd Aquarium, one of Chicago's tourist attractions.