
第19回FACOビジネス会合 @ ASCO2019

The 19th FACO Business Meeting was held at ASCO2019 in Chicago

毎年シカゴで開催されているアメリカ臨床腫瘍学会(ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology)の学術集会会場で、今年もFACOのビジネス会合を開催。
GW明けに症例登録を終了したOLIGO-BC1試験について、当初の予想をはるかに上回る 1262例もの登録があったことに関し、井本滋PIより日中韓の協力者に感謝を述べました。


FACO's business meeting was held again this year at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. During the BM, regarding the OLIGO-BC1 study, which completed case registration after GW, there were 1262 cases registered, which far exceeded the initial expectation and Prof. Shigeru Imoto, the principal investigator, thanked the collaborators in Japan, China and South Korea.

The report was made concerning the sub-analysis of CONVO-GC1, the first study of FACO. Next FACO's International Conference will be the 7th, and the 7th Congress will be held in Shanghai, so that doctors from Japan, Korean and China discussed the details of the Shanghai Congress.