

 The 2nd FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee Meeting in Singapore

シンガポールで開催された世界肺癌学会会議の会期中に、光冨徹哉先生が主催し、日中韓のFACO肺癌Academic Committee委員であるProf.Caicun Zhou、Prof. Nan Wu、Dr. Deog Gon Cho、山本信之先生ほか13名が参加し(現地+virtual)、第2回肺癌アカデミック委員会合を開催。

During the World Conference on Lung Cancer (IASLC/WCLC 2023) held in Singapore, hosted by Prof. Tetsuya Mitsutomi, members of the Japan-China-Korea FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee, Prof. Caicun Zhou, Prof. Nan Wu, Prof. Deog Gon ChoProf, Prof. Nobuyuki Yamamoto and 13 other members participated (local + virtual) in the 2nd FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee Meeting.
A consensus was reached regarding the theme of the first international collaborative research undertaken by the FACO Lung Cancer Group.