

OLIGO-BC1, Participation in poster session at ASCO2020 virtual meeting (#1025)

はじめてのヴァーチャル・フォーマットで5月29日から開催のASCO学術集会(ASCO2020)。OLIGO-BC1(希少転移乳癌の局所及び全身両方に関する国際共同後向きコホート研究)はポスターセッションに参加(First author: Ueno T)。

The first virtual annual meeting of ASCO will be starting from 29th May 2020. OLIGO-BC1 (International Retrospective Cohort Study of Locoregional and Systemic Therapy in Oligometastatic Breast Cancer) will be participating in poster session (First author: Ueno T).

Click here for the poster - PDF (*Available for limited time)

*Copies of this poster are for personal use only and may not be reproduced without permission from ASCO® and the author of this poster.