5月29日~6月2日にシカゴ McCromick Placeで開催される予定であったアメリカ臨床腫瘍学会の学術集会(ASCO2020)。例年は、FACOの日中韓の研究者がシカゴで再会していましたが、今年は、COVID-19の影響で、ASCO2020の開催形式はVirtual Formatとなりました。また、アメリカ臨床腫瘍学会では、ASCO Coronavirus Resourcesとして必要な情報をまとめています。
The Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology Academic Meeting (ASCO2020) was scheduled to be held at McCromick Place in Chicago from 29th May to 2nd June. FACO doctors from Japan, China and South Korea reunited in Chicago every year, but this year, due to the situation of COVID-19, ASCO2020 was held in Virtual Format. In addition, the ASCO has compiled the necessary information as ASCO Coronavirus Resources.
In Japan, the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases has posted information related to the new coronavirus on its website.