
Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLCフォーム入力開始

Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLC survey enrollment starts

FACOで実施する4つ目の国際共同企画として、日本・韓国・中国の内科、外科、放射線治療科の専門医を対象に、臨床病期III期非小細胞肺癌における治療選択について調査研究を行うこととなりました。堀之内秀仁先生(国立がん研究センター中央病院)が主導し、Microsoft Formを利用した調査項目入力フォーマットが作成されました。

The fourth international collaborative project to be implemented by FACO is a survey on Treatment Choice for c-Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, targeting specialists in medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, and radiational oncologist from Japan, Korea, and China. Dr. Hidehito Horinouchi (National Cancer Center Hospital) led a survey item input format using Microsoft Forms.

This survey asks researchers to indicate their clinical status, such as clinical stage and lymph node metastasis, and to answer their first-choice treatment.

There is a similar survey conducted by Dr. Horinouchi at a JCOG facility in Japan, but this survey is conducted in three East Asian countries and is conducted from an international perspective.

The deadline for case registration is May 13, 2024.