

 The 24th FACO Business Meeting

現在のFACO Chairmanは韓国KSMOからのJoon Oh Park先生、Co-Chairは中国CSCOからはJin Li先生、日本JSCOからは吉野孝之先生です。

The 24th FACO Business Meeting was held in conjunction with the 12th FACO Conference, held in conjunction with the JSCO2024 Conference in Kobe.

The current FACO Chairman is Dr. Joon Oh Park from KSMO, Korea, and the Co-Chairs are Dr. Jin Li from CSCO, China, and Dr. Takayuki Yoshino from JSCO, Japan.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chairs from the three countries gathered together for the first time in a long time, and it was decided that the FACO Academic Conference would be held in China, Korea, and Japan on a routine basis from next year for the next three years.



 The 12th International Conference of FACO in conjunction with JSCO2024 Congress

日本癌治療学会からのFACO Co-Chairである吉野孝之理事長も講演も。
中国からのFACO構成学会であるCSCO(Chinese Society for Clinical Oncology)より若手研究者が約100名、神戸に派遣され、会場を盛り上げました。

The 12th International Conference of FACO was held on 24-25 October 2024, during the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO2024), as a FACO Symposium with the themes of lung cancer and digestive tract cancer.

Dr. Takayuki Yoshino, FACO Co-Chair from JSCO, also gave a talk.

Around 100 young researchers were dispatched to Kobe from the Chinese Society for Clinical Oncology (CSCO), a FACO member society from China, and they livened up the event.



 Presentation at ACLC2024 Hong-Kong

香港で10月17日~20日まで開催の2024 Asia Conference on Lung Cancerにて、初日17日の午後5時2分から「Survey on Treatment Choices for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Among Thoracic Oncologists in Asia: A FACO Survey」を堀之内秀仁先生が発表。
発表の前にPre-view meetingとして第4回肺癌研究者会合も開催されました。

Presenttation at ACLC 2024 Hong-Kong
- Dr. Hidehhito Horinouchi
- 5:02-5:07om, 17 October 2024
- OA01.01: Survey on Treatment Choices for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Among Thoracic Oncologists in Asia 


PC-CURE-1がHepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciencesに掲載

 PC-CURE-1 paper published : Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences

PC-CURE-1の論文(杏林大学・岡野尚弘先生)が、Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences」に掲載されました。Open Accessです。

The paper on PC-CURE-1 (by Dr. Naohiro Okano, Kyorin University) has been published in "Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences". It is Open Access.


Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLCフォーム入力開始

Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLC survey enrollment starts

FACOで実施する4つ目の国際共同企画として、日本・韓国・中国の内科、外科、放射線治療科の専門医を対象に、臨床病期III期非小細胞肺癌における治療選択について調査研究を行うこととなりました。堀之内秀仁先生(国立がん研究センター中央病院)が主導し、Microsoft Formを利用した調査項目入力フォーマットが作成されました。

The fourth international collaborative project to be implemented by FACO is a survey on Treatment Choice for c-Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, targeting specialists in medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, and radiational oncologist from Japan, Korea, and China. Dr. Hidehito Horinouchi (National Cancer Center Hospital) led a survey item input format using Microsoft Forms.

This survey asks researchers to indicate their clinical status, such as clinical stage and lymph node metastasis, and to answer their first-choice treatment.

There is a similar survey conducted by Dr. Horinouchi at a JCOG facility in Japan, but this survey is conducted in three East Asian countries and is conducted from an international perspective.

The deadline for case registration is May 13, 2024.



 The 3rd FACO Lung Cancer Investigators Meeting (zoom)

FACOの肺がん研究「Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLC survey」をリードする堀之内秀仁先生よりZoom会議にて、研究の詳細が三か国に説明されました。

The 3rd Investigators Meeting was held via zoom on 22 January 2024 and the team finalized the details of the survey. Dr. Hidehito Horinouchi, National Cancer Center, leads this survey and he is so instrumental for the project.