
Dr. 高野の「腫瘍内科医になんでも聞いてみよう」

 Web Newspaper Column: Dr. Takano's "Let's ask anything to the oncologist"


Dr. Toshimi Takano, who gave a lecture at the 8th International Conference of FACO  (Organizer: KSMO, Korea) held on 4th September 2020, is serializing "Dr. Takano's: Let's ask anything to the oncologist" at Web News yomiDr. was updated on 21st July.



 The 21st Public Lecture of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology


「最新がん治療の動向」は、2021年12月までYoutubeにて公開されています。昨今よく耳にするトピックが専門家によりわかりやすく説明されており、『がんに対する薬物療法 -免疫療法を中心に-』や『ゲノム情報に基づいた最新のがん診療』など興味深いレクチャーばかりです。

The 21st Public Lecture "Trends in the Latest Cancer Treatment" of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO) was held by virtual style. Prof. Norio Nonomura, Chair of JSCO Public Relations Committee, Congress President of 6th International Conference of FACO that was held at Yokohama on 2018, was in charge of the "Opening Remarks", and he mentioned about FACO.

You can access to "Latest Cancer Treatment Trends" on Youtube until December 2021.The topics that are often heard these days are explained in an easy-to-understand manner by experts, and there are only interesting lectures such as "Pharmacotherapy for cancer-focusing on immunotherapy-" and "Latest cancer treatment based on genomic information".