

ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium at ESMO Asia 2018 inn Singapore

2015年秋~冬より、シンガポールの Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centerで、毎年開催されているESMO Asia。今年は11月23日~25日の3日間で行われました。

最終日の25日午後に、「ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium "Bringing clinical research and practice between Europe and Asia"」が行われ、欧州とアジアの研究者がディスカッションを行いました。

The ESMO Asia Congress has been held annually at the Suntec Convention & Exhibition Center in Singapore since autumn-winter 2015. This year, it was held for three days from23rd to 25th November.

On the afternoon of the 25th, the final day, "ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium: Bringing clinical research and practice between Europe and Asia" was held, and doctors Europe and Asia had a discussion.



PC-CURE-1 Kick-off Meeting



The protocol has been almost finalized, and the start of real case registration from the beginning of 2019 has been confirmed.

FACO's third study, the pancreatic cancer study PC-CURE-1's investigators meeting with Japanese institutions was held on 2nd November during the 26th Japan Digestive Disease Week (JDDW2018) held in Kobe from 1st to 4th November.