

OLIGO-BC, Participation in Poster Session at SABCS2018

毎年、テキサス州・サンアントニオで開催されている「San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium」。

The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium is held every year in San Antonio, Texas.
On 6th December, during the SABCS2018 Congress, Prof. Shigeru Imoto, PI of FACO's second study OLIGO-BC1, participated in a poster session.



ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium at ESMO Asia 2018 inn Singapore

2015年秋~冬より、シンガポールの Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centerで、毎年開催されているESMO Asia。今年は11月23日~25日の3日間で行われました。

最終日の25日午後に、「ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium "Bringing clinical research and practice between Europe and Asia"」が行われ、欧州とアジアの研究者がディスカッションを行いました。

The ESMO Asia Congress has been held annually at the Suntec Convention & Exhibition Center in Singapore since autumn-winter 2015. This year, it was held for three days from23rd to 25th November.

On the afternoon of the 25th, the final day, "ESMO/FACO Joint Symposium: Bringing clinical research and practice between Europe and Asia" was held, and doctors Europe and Asia had a discussion.



PC-CURE-1 Kick-off Meeting



The protocol has been almost finalized, and the start of real case registration from the beginning of 2019 has been confirmed.

FACO's third study, the pancreatic cancer study PC-CURE-1's investigators meeting with Japanese institutions was held on 2nd November during the 26th Japan Digestive Disease Week (JDDW2018) held in Kobe from 1st to 4th November. 



The 6th International Conference of FACO


From 18th to 20th October, the 6th International Conference of Federation of Asian Clinical Oncology (FACO) was held at Pacifico Yokohama in conjunction with the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO).


The Congress President of the FACO Congress is Prof. Norio Nonomura of Congress President of the 56th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology.


A symposium on gastric cancer, breast cancer, which is currently being conducted by FACO, pancreatic cancer and childhood cancer, which will be conducted in the future, and malignant lymphoma's lectures were be held, and doctors from Japan, China, and South Korea made discussions.

学術集会開催にあたり中国臨床腫瘍学会(Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology, CSCO)より約100人の若手研究者が来日し、ポスターセッションやオーラルセッションに参加しました。


About 100 young doctors from the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) visited Japan to participate in poster sessions and oral sessions.

The 18th FACO Business Meeting was held during the Congress, and representatives from Japan, China and South Korea approved the future activities of FACO.



Poster session at 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting

6月1日~5日にシカゴで開催されたASCO学術集会(The 54th Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology)で、第17回FACOビジネス会合を開催。

The 17th FACO Business Meeting was held at the 54th Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) held in Chicago from 1st to 5th June.

また、FACOの第1の試験であるStage Ⅳ胃癌後向き研究は、6月3日にポスター・セッションに参加しました。

In addition, FACO's first study, Stage IV Gastric Cancer Retrospective Study, CONVO-GC1, participated in a poster session on 3rd June.

かなり広いMcCormick Place。ところどころに給水スポットがあって、気が助かる~。

A fairly large McCormick Place, there are water supply spots here and there, which helps us a lot !



Keep working while treating cancer

また、国立がんセンターの運営する「がん情報サービス」が展開の「がんと共に働く 知る・伝える・動き出す」にも、がんと就労に関するさまざまなケースがわかりやすく紹介されています。

We found a public relations poster of the Japan Cancer Society, "Watashi-wa na-ga-ra worker desu (who are doing other things at the same time he/she works.)"
And, some of interviews about cancer and work are introduced at the website which is related to "Gan-joho service" operated by the National Cancer Center.
Cancer is also covered by the disability pension, so this is a system that person should know when he/she is at the working generation having cancer.



Start of OLIGO-BC1 Online Registration


On 1st February 2018, online case registration for the breast cancer OLIGO-BC1 trial has finally begun. The target number of registered cases is 700 from 3 countries, Japan, China and South Korea.
In order to lead to the development of better treatment for patients, the principal investigator, Prof. Shigeru Imoto, and the doctors or medical staff at the joint research facility in Japan, China, and South Korea, had many meetings, and finally the day when case registration started. It's been about two years including the seeding period, but now it's time to go live.



PC-CURE-1 Kick-off Meeting at ASCO GI 2018


2018年1月18日~20日、サンフランシスコ開催の2018 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium(ASCO GI 2018)会場で、FACOの第3の試験となる、膵癌PC-CURE-1のキックオフミーティングが行われました。古瀬純司PIを中心に、日中韓の研究者が試験の方向性などを確認しました。

A kick-off meeting for FACO's third trial, pancreatic cancer PC-CURE-1, was held at the 2018 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium (ASCO GI 2018) venue in San Francisco from 18th to 20th January 2018. Researchers from Japan, China and South Korea confirmed the direction of research, led by Prof. Junji Furuse, the principal investigator.