

KCA-APCC-FACO Joint Symposium in Seoul

2017年6月22日~24日開催の 24th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference、43th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Associationにおいて、FACOのジョイント・シンポジウムが行われ、胃がんCONVO-GC1、乳癌OLIGO-BC1さらに今後FACOで展開していく膵癌の試験に関し、日中韓の研究者がディスカッションしました。

A joint symposium with FACO was held at the 24th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference and 43th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association that was held from 22nd to 24th June 2017, and gastric cancer study CONVO-GC1, breast cancer study OLIGO-BC1 and FACO's future study pancreatic cancer trial were discussed among doctors from three counties.


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CONVO-GC1 study, Online registration complete

胃がんのCONVO-GC1試験のオンライン症例登録が2017年3月31日に無事に終了しました。900症例が目標のところ、予想をはるかに超える2149ものご登録をいただきました。その旨、2017年6月2日~6日、シカゴで開催の第53回ASCO学術集会(The 53rd Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASCO2017)会期中の第14回FACOビジネス会合の際に、日中韓の共同研究者に報告し、協力に感謝しました。

Online case enrollment for the CONVO-GC1 study was successfully completed on 31st March 2017. With the goal of 900 cases, the study received 2149 registrations, which far exceeded from expectations. To that effect, at the 14th FACO Business Meeting during the 53rd Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO2017) held in Chicago from 2nd to 6th June 2017, Prof. Yoshida, PI of the study, reported this big success to the collaborators of Japan, China and South Korea and thanked them for their cooperation.