

 Presentation at ACLC2024 Hong-Kong

香港で10月17日~20日まで開催の2024 Asia Conference on Lung Cancerにて、初日17日の午後5時2分から「Survey on Treatment Choices for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Among Thoracic Oncologists in Asia: A FACO Survey」を堀之内秀仁先生が発表。

Presenttation at ACLC 2024 Hong-Kong
- Dr. Hidehhito Horinouchi
- 5:02-5:07om, 17 October 2024
- OA01.01: Survey on Treatment Choices for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Among Thoracic Oncologists in Asia 


PC-CURE-1がHepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciencesに掲載

 PC-CURE-1 paper published : Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences

PC-CURE-1の論文(杏林大学・岡野尚弘先生)が、Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences」に掲載されました。Open Accessです。

The paper on PC-CURE-1 (by Dr. Naohiro Okano, Kyorin University) has been published in "Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences". It is Open Access.


Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLCフォーム入力開始

Treatment choice for c-Stage III NSCLC survey enrollment starts

FACOで実施する4つ目の国際共同企画として、日本・韓国・中国の内科、外科、放射線治療科の専門医を対象に、臨床病期III期非小細胞肺癌における治療選択について調査研究を行うこととなりました。堀之内秀仁先生(国立がん研究センター中央病院)が主導し、Microsoft Formを利用した調査項目入力フォーマットが作成されました。

The fourth international collaborative project to be implemented by FACO is a survey on Treatment Choice for c-Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, targeting specialists in medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, and radiational oncologist from Japan, Korea, and China. Dr. Hidehito Horinouchi (National Cancer Center Hospital) led a survey item input format using Microsoft Forms.

This survey asks researchers to indicate their clinical status, such as clinical stage and lymph node metastasis, and to answer their first-choice treatment.

There is a similar survey conducted by Dr. Horinouchi at a JCOG facility in Japan, but this survey is conducted in three East Asian countries and is conducted from an international perspective.

The deadline for case registration is May 13, 2024.



 The 2nd FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee Meeting in Singapore

シンガポールで開催された世界肺癌学会会議の会期中に、光冨徹哉先生が主催し、日中韓のFACO肺癌Academic Committee委員であるProf.Caicun Zhou、Prof. Nan Wu、Dr. Deog Gon Cho、山本信之先生ほか13名が参加し(現地+virtual)、第2回肺癌アカデミック委員会合を開催。

During the World Conference on Lung Cancer (IASLC/WCLC 2023) held in Singapore, hosted by Prof. Tetsuya Mitsutomi, members of the Japan-China-Korea FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee, Prof. Caicun Zhou, Prof. Nan Wu, Prof. Deog Gon ChoProf, Prof. Nobuyuki Yamamoto and 13 other members participated (local + virtual) in the 2nd FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee Meeting.
A consensus was reached regarding the theme of the first international collaborative research undertaken by the FACO Lung Cancer Group.



 The 11th International Conference of FACO in conjunction with KSMO2023 Congress

2023年9月8日、韓国Grand Walkerhill Seoulにおいて、第16回KSMO学術集会(KSMO2023)に併催し、第11回FACO学術集会が開催されました。

The 11th International Conference of FACO was held in conjunction with KSMO2023 Congress at Grand Walkehill Seoul in Korea on 8th September 2023. The same day, the 22nd FACO Business Meeting was held with doctors from three counties.

FACO Session 1:Recent updates in colorectal cancer treatment
Jin Li (FACO Chairman, China)
Young Suk Park (Samsung Medical Center, Republic of Korea)
1. Recent progress in neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer
Sun Young Kim (Asan Medical Center, Republic of Korea)
2. Does checkpoint inhibitor work in microstallite stable mCRC patients?
Ying Yuan (The Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China)
3. Beyond the scalpel: Advancing colorectal cancer management through ctDNA liquid biopsy
Eiji Oki (Kyushu University, Japan)

FACO Session 2: Proposals for new FACO clinical trials
Masahiko Nishiyama (FACO CEO, Higashi Sapporo Hospital, Japan)
Dong-Wan Kim (Seoul National University Hospital, Republic of Korea)
1. Clinical trials: from the viewpoint of lung cancer medical oncologist
Sehhoon Park (Samsung Medical Center, Republic of Korea)
2. Clinical trials: From the viewpoint of a gynecologic oncologist
Ning Li (National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital (Institute) Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China)
3. International Collaboration in Gynecological Cancer Trials
Keiichi Fujiwara (Saitama Medical University and International University of Health and Welfare, Japan)


第1回FACO肺癌Academic Committee会合

 The 1st FACO Lung Cancer Academic Committee Meeting 



FACO has conducted clinical trials for gastric, breast, and pancreatic cancer with the collaboration of China, Japan and Korea, and lung cancer is now a candidate for the next international trial.

Led by Dr. Tetsuya Mitsutomi, investigators from China, Japan, Korea held the first meeting at Zoom.


PC-CURE-1 第109回日本消化器病学会総会での発表

 PC-CURE-1, presentation at the 109th General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology


The 109th General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology was held from 6th to 8th April 2023 in Dejima, Nagasaki. Dr. Yosuke Inoue from the Cancer Institute Hospital Of JFCR gave a presentation on PC-CURE-1 during the Workshop No.5 "Conversion Treatment Strategy for Gastrointestinal Cancer".